Rectification of old maps
We offer you professional rectify raster maps. We are ready to quickly and cheaply to rectify any old, modern or a specialized map and aerial photography.You will receive a file in any format convenient for you: geotiff, kmz, ozfx2 + map, jnx, rmp and many other.
The average estimated cost of binding one map sheet:
- if map with a grid or coordinates 4$
- map later then 1950, without the grid or the coordinate 8$
- map over 1950, without the grid and coordinate 10$
- аerial photography 10$
The exact cost of binding we will inform after see your card. You can send map to us via email or google drive / dropbox.
The accuracy of the georectiftcation works depends on the year of manufacture of the original card and scan quality.
Payment can be by direct transfer to the PayPal account or bank cards Visa and Mastercard.
Below - examples of unusual cards that we had a chance to rectify (mouse over or tap on the image).
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